You're looking unrealistically thin today! Ken: Funny, I was going to say the same about you. Narrator: Barbie is one of the most popular dolls in America. But that doesn't mean that she's loved ...
Ken doll come in four body types with 13 skin tones, nine eye colours and 22 hair colours to choose from. In the UK, the top two bestselling Barbie Fashionista dolls had wheelchairs. It’s a far ...
On Tuesday, Mattel launched a new Barbie doll with the condition vitiligo, which causes pigmentation loss in the skin, as well as the first ever Ken doll ... releases for its Fashionistas line ...
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News and pictures of humans who strive to turn themselves into a real live version of Barbie or Ken ©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street ...
Previous dolls that have been introduced to the Fashionistas line include a Ken doll with a prosthetic leg, a Barbie with hearing aids and dolls with a skin condition called vitiligo.
DSSA is excited to hear of the launch of a second Barbie doll with Down syndrome. The Barbie Fashionista range continues to ...
The live-action adaptation of Barbie is set to hit cinema screens this summer, and the manufacturer of the iconic doll is hoping it will signal a turn in fortunes. Will new 'realistic' Barbie body ...
Today, the Barbie Fashionistas line offers ... Barbie has had many doll pals over the years, including sister Skipper, ...
In another major development, Barbie and Ken could not escape the early ... a person with Down syndrome. The new doll is a part of the 2023 Fashionista line, which has expanded its range of ...