Diwali Padwa, also known as Bali Puja or Bali Pratipada, is celebrated on the first day of Kartik Pratipada, which follows Diwali Puja. This festival coincides with Govardhan Puja, but while ...
For those looking for a tropical Diwali escape, Bali’s serene beaches and cultural wonders await. Wander through Ubud’s lush ...
Other holidays include November 2 for Bali Pratipada and November 7-8 for Chhath, celebrated in Bihar and Jharkhand, coinciding with Meghalaya's Wangala Festival. Diwali, one of the most ...
Kerala generally does not celebrate Diwali. Many speculate that this may be because King Bali a virtuous demon king was killed this day. The other three states celebrates the occasion in honor of ...