The etiquette around what should be a ... like someone got a bad diagnosis," should not be done over text, Senning says. DON'T MISS: The ultimate guide to becoming a master communicator and ...
Q. My ex is not a good person. She sends me terrible text messages that the kids have read over my shoulder. They tell me she ...
If you're texting colleagues, bosses, employees, customers, or vendors, there are a few professional etiquette rules you ... is too casual a medium to give bad news. It's difficult to know what ...
Too little, too late, tch tch. So, I posed the question rather hesitantly to my professional circles, what really is the texting etiquette, and the flood of responses came in fast—most of them ...
But when you're texting colleagues, bosses, employees, or clients, it's imperative that you always abide by a specific set of professional etiquette ... Never send bad news via text.