Avengers: Endgame delivered everything - action, emotion, and ultimate sacrifices. Learn how this film captured the essence of heroism and brought the Infinity Saga to a close. LeBron James steps ...
十年布局,作为漫威宇宙第四阶段收官之战的《复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Avengers: Endgame》一役,壮烈下线与挥别了黑寡妇(Black Widow)、钢铁侠(Iron Man)、美国队长(Captain ...
Doctor Doom is a major character in both iterations of Secret Wars from the comics (more on those in a bit), but with the ...
Sony's early plans for Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 4 and 5 almost pulled off Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame's best ...
With Chris Evans back in the fold as Steve Rogers, it should come as no surprise that reports are now saying that his ...
Avengers 5 won't be the first time that Evans has returned to the MCU. The A-lister also made a crowd-pleasing cameo in ...
Chris Evans is the latest MCU star to return to the franchise. According to reportedly he will be seen joining the Marvel ...
Alongside fellow returning star Robert Downey Jr, the actor will reportedly be in the fifth Avengers film, which is being ...