Set before Aang emerges from the iceberg, this prequel comic chronicles the beginning of Zuko's relentless search for the Avatar, as the banished prince seeks to reclaim his rightful throne.
For the uninitiated, Avatar, which aired on Nickelodeon ... to Uncle Iroh valiantly taking his nephew’s place. Aang’s brought before King Bumi. The old friends have a quick catching-up session ...
The Rim of the World star Miya Cech has shared some new details about her long-awaited debut as Toph Beifong in Netflix‘s ...
sporting the signature "arrow" mark that fans have seen on the forehead of series protagonist Aang. This is unsurprising since we have seen other media collabs before like Transformers and Cowboy ...
Toph also joined Avatar Aang’s group as his Earthbending master. Additionally, Prince Zuko continued his journey toward the side of goodness and redemption, but not without a few setbacks.
The Dai Li show up to help Azula, so Aang decides he needs to enter the powerful Avatar state in order to ... in the show's title sequence that plays before every episode. There are four different ...
The animated series’ core characters appear with Zenyatta as avatar Aang, Mei as water-bender Katara, Orisa as flying bison Appa, Genji as fire prince Zuko, and more. Along with event challenges ...
Overwatch 2 leaks reveal Katara Mei as a potential sixth skin in the Avatar collaboration, available on December 17. Five other leaked skins include Aang Zenyatta, Zuko Genji, Toph Venture ...