Rating: 2.5 steins. Hallstatt Das Bier: Too bad it's hard to get this one outside of Austria. Like many European beers it's light on carbonation (a plus!), tastes like a Maarzen and an amber ale.
Brewer’s yeast is the waste generated after beer brewing is complete and has ... a doctoral student at K1-MET, an Austrian metallurgical research center also involved in the research.
A higher bottle deposit has been in force in Austria since the first of February - since then, you get seven euros back for ...
Johannes von Trapp was in Rhode Island for the launch of the beer here. His appreciation of Austrian beers drove the creation of von Trapp Brewing, which opened a new 36,000-square-foot brewery in ...
Austria Klagenfurt "legend" Helmut König senior unpacks the mega bet in the "Krone" - and digs deep into his wallet! Against ...