Nine titans possess serious Attack on Titan powers, passed down from Ymir Fritz, making each one unique. Pure Titans rely on ravenous hunger, posing a threat despite having no special powers.
ALSO READ: Attack on Titan Grand Finale Ending Explained: Eren's end, Mikasa's motivations, and humanity's fate revealed Isayama’s decision to include a post-credit scene that implies the cycle ...
Using Eren's transition between roles, Attack on Titan has given us an entirely new way of thinking about what makes a person a hero or a villain.
The fourth season of Attack On Titan’s anime has arrived, and while the main protagonists from the Survey Corps in Armin, Mikasa, Eren, and their comrades have yet to appear, it does break down ...
Attack on Titan: Requiem is slated to arrive on January ... While the details of what changes will be made in the fight between Eren Jaeger and the Scouts have yet to be fully revealed, the ...