Until the day we can reliably grow many types of food in space, or that Milliways, that five-star eatery at the end of the universe is operational, astronauts and other space-bound travelers will ...
But if your job is located in outer space, the consequences are a little more serious. Astronauts have some degree of food choices, but the foods are often packed months ahead of time. On top of that, ...
Meals consumed by astronauts on the International Space Station come in two categories: the standard menu distributed by the United States and Russia, and bonus food. The latter are items selected ...
Their current work on astronaut nutrition is a freely available PDF book titled "Human Adaptation to Spaceflight: The Role of Food and Nutrition—2nd Edition." Its four authors are all ...
In this case, wet-pack means that unlike typical astronaut food, the sausages weren't dehydrated for the journey. Instead, they were tightly sealed into small, aluminized packages. Hot dog buns ...