The S2 heart sound intensity decreases with worsening aortic stenosis due to immobile leaflets. In severe aortic stenosis, the A2 component may not be audible at all. CLINICAL PEARL: In severe ...
The Valsalva maneuver decreases the murmur of aortic stenosis while it increases the murmur of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The S2 heart sound is often paradoxically split in patients with aortic ...
Diagnosing aortic stenosis usually begins with a physical exam. Your healthcare provider often detects a heart murmur, a clicking sound, or other unusual heart sounds using a stethoscope.
We present a new method to record and display heart sounds that uses a hand-held ... Compared with aortic stenosis, innocent murmurs primarily contain frequencies of <300 Hz and persist for ...