Laura French Antoni Gaudí's Park Güell is as whimsical as parks can get. The park was originally supposed to be a housing community for the rich, commissioned by Eusebi Güell. Güell hired ...
According to a study by Catalan architect David Agulló, these various structures were designed by Antoni Gaudí ... is home to ...
underscore Antoni Gaudi’s signature style at Park Guell, a leafy expanse of green on Carmel Hill strewn with mosaic features. The iconic Gaudi dragon, covered in mosaics, fronts a colonnaded ...
Laura French Antoni Gaudí's Park Güell is as whimsical as parks can get. The park was originally supposed to be a housing community for the rich, commissioned by Eusebi Güell. Güell hired ...
The nickname, La Pedrera (meaning "the Quarry"), is appropriate for Antoni Gaudí's stately, fortress-like Casa Milà. Bobbing around the corner of Passeig de Gràcia and Carrer de Provença ...
Baldiri Reixac School is located in the Park Güell, conceived by Antoni Gaudí in 1900, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1984. Gaudí’'s permanent research to merge work of art and nature in ...
Laura French From 1883 up until his death in 1926, Catalan art nouveau master Antoni Gaudí devoted himself to the construction of La Sagrada Família, a towering, Gothic-style-with-a-twist church.