Debris from the broken-apart Intelsat 33e telecom satellite is spreading across geosynchronous orbit, threatening spacecraft ...
and the galaxy hurtling through space. The dots moving across the right side of the animation show how quickly each object travels 150 kilometers. As you can see, Earth's rotation is relatively ...
A new animated map sheds light on the superhot "zombie star" at the heart of a nebula leftover from a distant supernova witnessed by astronomers in 1181. The remains of the stellar explosion are ...
A new video shows how Earth's magnetic field weakened and warped before temporarily flipping during a recent "polar reversal event." ...
So O'Donoghue made an animation to demonstrate what's going on. It shows how Earth and the moon will move over the next three years. The distance between Earth and the moon is not to scale in the ...
Scotese studies how plate tectonics and a warming climate will change Earth's appearance in the future, and he has made multiple animated maps based from his research. For more animations from ...