Wanting to learn more about what the animals were doing as ... another collaborator on the previous echolocation project and a graduate student at Tel Aviv University, noticed something unusual. “I ...
(Screenshot from study via Courthouse News) Curious whether bats rely on echolocation alone to navigate long distances, scientist Aya Goldshtein of the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior ... that ...
Two Austin residents moved back into their old homes Saturday after making full recoveries at rehab. Their names were Arlo ...
"Blind as a bat" is a common saying yet one that is false. All bats can see, even though vision may be less important than other senses. To locate and catch prey, insectivorous bats use an acoustic ...
An Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) lands on a 10cm diameter target when relying on echolocation. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases ...