The oldest confirmed case of the plague outside of Eurasia has been detected in the ancient Egyptian mummy. The mummy revealed that the deadly bubonic plague circulated in North Africa thousands ...
The breakthrough discovery provides “molecular evidence for the presence of plague in ancient Egypt,” the researchers wrote in their abstract. Researchers determined this after examining the ...
“This is the first reported prehistoric Y. pestis genome outside Eurasia, providing molecular evidence for the presence of plague in ancient Egypt,” the team wrote in their presentation abstrac ...
References to such plagues are frequent in the texts of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Chinese and Hebrews-the oldest dates back to more than 2000 years B. C. These depredations are not confined ...
Now, a groundbreaking genomic study published in Nature introduces a chilling possibility: an ancient plague pandemic. Yersinia pestis – the bacterium behind the infamous Black Death – may ...