The amendment, which formally became a part of the Constitution in July 1868 ... the crowning social-legal achievement of the American Civil War of 1861-65. The Amendment’s first section ...
As part of a crass strategy to appeal to anti-immigrant paranoia and racism, Republican leaders are now assaulting the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution ... The pre–Civil War doctrine ...
The 14th Amendment is known as a Reconstruction amendment, because it was added to the Constitution after the Civil War in 1868. That places it at an important historical crossroads, when ...
According to the plain text of the amendment ... America started doing so at the end of the civil war. The constitution was amended then to overturn the Dred Scott decision of 1857, which ...
Allan Nevins, whose eight-volume history of the sectional crisis and the Civil War won ... Reconstruction amendments. While slavery did not create the American republic, the Constitution ...
Frederick Douglass, who argued that the Constitution ... Amendment to protect the right to vote regardless of race, amendments that guaranteed political and civil equality. The Civil War ...