Although all the surprise pieces have now been ... Getty Images Mr Ryan said parallels could be drawn between Banksy's gorilla piece and his 2006 work Sweep It Under The Carpet It’s not the ...
"It didn't require much imagination to work out how such a name could ... Art Attack (1990-2007) is secretly Banksy. Naturally, it all started with a random tweet, which went rapidly viral.
"Banksy is also adept at recycling stuff ... The council thanked Bansky for "all the wonderful art work" and said it was continuing "to celebrate his gifts to the town". It added: "We are asking ...
Narrator: Banksy does all their artwork in secret so nobody really ... bridges and even clocks become part of the designs. Their work draws our attention to something important.
Before the artist confirmed it was his piece of work, Islington councillor Flora Williamson said it would be "incredible" to have a Banksy artwork "right in the middle of social housing and one of ...
Banksy posted a mysterious work today (16 December) on Instagram, the image showing a breastfeeding mother and baby, strongly referencing traditional depictions of the Madonna and Child.