“The algae is eating CO2, or turning the CO2 into biomass,” explains Mr Haflidason. “It's carbon negative.” Vaxa's plant uses electricity from an adjacent geothermal power plant Vaxa's ...
Triton is a company poised for disruption. The San Diego-based start-up, Triton Algae Innovations, is hitting all the right notes—plant-based, sustainable, synthetic biology—serving up what co ...
Green algae is a eyesore that can crop up anywhere in the garden. The green gunk is known to spread everywhere from patios and paving to stones and sheds. Algae thrives in wet conditions, but you ...
While humans wouldn’t be very happy to find that organisms were growing on their skin, particularly fungi, algae, and insects, it works out pretty well for sloths. Sloths may be hosting entire ...
[Cody] of Cody’sLab has been bit by what he describes as the algae growing bug. We at Hackaday didn’t know that was a disease floating around, but we’ll admit that we’re not surprised ...