“Albert Einstein is a name and a figure everyone ... He tries to flee to the United States under the guise of a visit to Princeton University, but the American embassy gets suspicious.
Five years later, Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize for Physics. Owing to death threats, the renowned physicist had to leave Germany temporarily in October 1922; Max von Laue took over as ...
Joe Schein, a 1937 graduate of Princeton University who was the ... According to the alumni society, he enlisted Albert Einstein — then a scholar at the nearby Institute for Advanced Studies ...
Albert Einstein is one of the ... at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, where he remained for the rest of his life. In 1940 Einstein renounced his German citizenship for a second ...
Albert Einstein of Berlin, the famous scientist. All members of the University and the Faculty are invited to take this opportunity of meeting the well-known originator of the theory of relativity.
Born to Hermann Einstein (a featherbed salesman ... by taking an entrance exam to the Swiss Polytechnic, a top technical university, but fails the arts portion. His family sends him to the ...
For someone who wasn't involved in the race to develop the first atomic bomb, Albert ... Einstein's life, after the bombs had already dropped, the war had ended, and both physicists were at ...