而如今,他们的合作让这一切变得更加完美。最近,Akai Pro与NI的深度合作即将为MIDI控制器和MPC平台带来全新的强大功能,重塑音乐创作的未来。
A staple of every recording studio today, the Akai MPC began as a simple sampling groove box in the early 90s. The form factor of a few force sensitive pads assignable to different samples should ...
Native Instruments首席产品官Simon Cross在发布会上表示:“这次扩展凸显了合作的力量,我们的使命是创造一个开放、互联的平台,让全球创作者能更方便地使用专业级的工具和技术。”通过NKS硬件合作伙伴计划的推出,Native ...
在2025年的NAMM展会上,Native Instruments(NI)正式宣布扩大其NKS(Native Kontrol Standard)协议的合作范围,标志着音乐制作领域的一大进步。此次,一系列行业领先的品牌如Akai、Novation、Nektar、Korg和M-Audio将加入NKS硬件合作伙伴计划,使得更多音乐创作者能够在自己的硬件控制器上体验到与NI软件的深度集成。 自2018年N ...
A bunch of pads connected to a MIDI out port is as old an idea as the Akai MPC. creating a homebrew version is great, but [Scott] took his version one step further. He used old laptop trackpads to ...
These long-time rivals offer many similar products, but some musicians get drawn to Akai’s MPC workflow while others choose NI’s Maschine platform. Soon, folks may not have to choose at all.
You won't find GarageBand for Windows, but Akai's MPC Beats is a close competitor. MPC Beats is more for producers/beat makers than GarageBand. MPC Beats has tutorials to help you get started and ...