Actors Aishwarya Lekshmi and Arjun Das's photo, which was recently posted on social media, had led to a lot of speculations that the duo were in a relationship. However, now the 'Mayanadhi' actress ...
Aishwarya has been sharing amazing glimpses from her vacation and recently even shared some Christmassy pictures as the year comes to an end. MUMBAI: Many celebs have jetted off for their annual ...
Aishwarya Lekshmi is a well-known actress and model who is mainly works in Malayalam and Tamil film industries. She is also famous for her best performances in the films like Mayanadhi ...
Aishwarya Khare has been popularly known for her lead role of Lakshmi in the Zee TV show Bhagya Lakshmi. Her chemistry with actor Rohit Suchanti in the show, has been a hit. The trials and ...
The show is all set to premiere on August 3 and will air every Monday to Saturday at 8:30 pm only on Zee TV. Essayed by actress Aishwarya Khare, Lakshmi is a small-town girl from Punjab who finds ...