"Air Bud," the film series which follows a golden retriever named Buddy dominating youth sports, was created in 1997. The ...
Air Bud is a 1997 sports comedy film directed by ... three direct-to-video sequels, and a spin-off film series. In each film, Buddy learns to play a different sport while the spin offs focus ...
The offspring of sportsman canine Air Bud: B-Dawg, Mudbud, Budderball, Buddha, and Rosebud, uncover a kidnapping plot motivated by a little rich boy's desire to have the world's most athletic dog ...
Air Bud is a 1997 sports comedy film directed by ... three direct-to-video sequels, and a spin-off film series. In each film, Buddy learns to play a different sport while the spin offs focus ...
A man who was key to the creation of Disney's Air Bud franchise says he's dealing with health issues and homelessness ahead of the holidays. Kevin DiCicco told TMZ that he's on the verge of being ...