He suspected that they might contain acetone, which is prone to yield unfortunate ... but make sure you test whatever you find. Aerosol solvents aren’t the only way to clean a PCB, of course.
We are willing to consider all solvents for this program. Currently, methanol, ethanol and acetone are distilled on campus. If your lab generates other solvent waste, contact EH&S to see if they may ...
One of the ingredients required for making cordite is acetone, a volatile liquid compound used as a solvent. Acetone is made from starch and Britain needed to look for sources of starch.
Despite the obvious drawbacks-it's messy, sticky and impossible to remove once it cures-there's nothing better than spray ...
Instead of acetone, the guys at protoparadigm are using tetrahydrofuran, or THF, as a solvent for PLA. Other PLA solvents aren’t friendly to living organisms or are somewhat hard to obtain.