One of the maximum interesting advancements in AR-15 higher receiver technology is the stepped forward integration of optics.
Use this cantilever mount for mounting 30 mm telescopic sights. The 2-inch offset of this cantilever mount positions the scope in a forward location, allowing the correct eye relief and head ...
今天凌晨,Meta 发布的首款 AR 智能眼镜 Orion ... 新产品将在 10 月 15 日后发货。 比起几乎没变化、甚至还减配的 Meta Quest 3S,Meta AI 的新功能就被 ...
The BiOS Expo, featuring new and transformative technologies in biomedical optics and healthcare applications, runs 25-26 ...
Anchor Optics, a division of Edmund Optics, is the preferred provider for Affordable Quality Optics. With over 5,000 products and over 5,000,000 in stock, Anchor Optics is the optics alternative for ...
Editor’s note: We are publishing these 3D animations to show the destructive power of the AR-15. The images may disturb some people. The wounds show the lethal force of the AR-15. But they are ...
《中时新闻网》前身为《中时电子报》,于1995年创立,是全台第一家且歷史最悠久的网路媒体,开启新闻数位时代。近来以最具影响力的政治新闻引领先驱外,首创娱乐、生活、社会专题式新闻报导,带起同业间仿效风潮;精辟的言论、财经、国际、两岸、军事、体育、网推频 ...
Pesce’s conservative principles tell him he can never vote for Donald Trump. And they tell him he has to vote for Harris, to ...
10月26日消息,官方介绍,小米15系列搭载了全新的小型化徕卡光学系统,影像体验进一步提升。 融合了AISP 2.0 大模型计算摄影平台,AI大模型算法提速82%,官方称复杂场景都能一瞬传神。 魏思琪刚刚还晒出了小米15/15 ...
peered through the scope at the target 35 yards away and pulled the trigger. “Hit!” an instructor called. It was the first time that D, a nonbinary community organizer, had fired an AR-15 ...
因部分企业级客户延迟建置AI服务器,第四季来自服务器OEM的订单量明显下调,加上CSP采购高峰已过,整体采购容量较第三季下滑。此外,智能手机和笔电客户因采取去化库存策略,NAND Flash订单保守,但在原厂持续增产下,导致供过于求。
智通财经APP获悉,民生证券发表研报称,相比于手机、PC等传统终端,AR智能眼镜能够解放用户双手,提供更具沉浸式的交互体验,是未来发展下AI部署的优质载体,而未来当AR眼镜加上光学显示模块(光波导+光机),则是AI+AR智能眼镜发展的完全体,最终能够实现语音和显示等多重交互。伴随着产品持续迭代创新,光学模块的重要性逐步提升。此外,民生证券认为Micro-LED+衍射光波导的光学组合有望成为AI+A ...