Shah Rukh Khan said, “We didn't have money to furnish Mannat when we bought it. I said listen Gauri, why don't you become the designer of the house. So actually, Mannat started like that.” How ...
A woman who once had a successful business says she now lives on toast and cereal. Angela Jones spends long days on the river gathering data on water pollution from sewage, agriculture ...
Ane Farstad had been hoping to make it to the next Winter Olympics only for those plans being put on ice after building up a successful clothing brand. The stunning Norwegian speed skater ...
A woman who once had a successful business says she now lives on toast and cereal. Angela Jones spends long days on the river gathering data on water pollution from sewage, agriculture, and industry.
She has a successful lifestyle collection, wrote a book for young businesswomen, and is an executive at the Trump Organization, the family's real estate firm. Story by Aly Weisman and editing by ...
This week on Stylist’s Nobody Told Me… podcast businesswoman and beauty influencer Gina Knight discusses the reality of what happens after being diagnosed with stress-induced alopecia.