The probability density function measures continuous variables. Having said that, it's important to note that stock and investment returns are generally not continuous random variables.
Bayes' theorem. Repeated trials. Continuous and discrete random variables and their probability distribution and density functions. Functions of random variables and their distribution and density ...
A random variable X is a quantity that can take on values randomly according to a probability ( X ? x), where x is a selected value. The probability (X ?x) gives a scalar value on the interval [0,1] ...
As we shall see, knowing the cdf is equivalent to knowing the density or pmf of a random variable. By this we mean that if you ... This is the same sense in which knowing the characteristic function ...
Probability of events, discrete and continuous random variables cumulative distribution, moment generatory functions, chi-square distribution, density functions, distributions. Introduction to ...
The autocovariance function of the random variable Y t is defined as The spectral density function of a white noise is a constant. The spectral density function of the AR(1) process is given by Refer ...