David discovered a lump in his neck that raised alarm bells. "I think around September or August 2020 I noticed one of my lymph nodes in my neck was like a frozen pea and didn't go down," he said.
Thyroid nodules are solid or fluid-filled lumps or bumps. They're found on your thyroid, a small gland in your neck. This gland makes thyroid hormone, which affects your metabolism (the ...
Globus sensation, also known as globus pharyngeus, is the sensation of having a lump in the ... up the middle of your body and out the top of your head, gently aligning your neck, shoulders ...
READ MORE: Russell Grant's horoscopes as Libra to be prepared and Pisces to get opportunity READ MORE: Outlander actor allegedly 'raped unconscious woman at Glasgow hotel before co-star stepped in' ...
The cells can also spread to lymph nodes in the centre of your chest between the lungs – in an area called the mediastinum. If this happens you could have one or more of the following: If testicular ...
“While the team was taking the biopsy from my neck, I looked at the ultrasound screen and saw where the lumps were. I could see they were outlined in orange and from this moment I just knew it ...