The shooting of actor Suriya and Karthik Subbaraj's upcoming film, which is tentatively known as 'Suriya 44', which has been progressing at a brisk pace has been wrapped up completely. Actress ...
(Also read: Suriya 44 titled Retro: Karthik Subbaraj's gangster film is loaded with action, romance. Watch) Suriya in the first look poster of Retro. In the poster, Suriya looks uber cool in a sea ...
But here’s some exciting news to turn things around! The talented Karthik Subbaraj is teaming up with Suriya for the very first time in an action-packed, crime-thriller-meets-romantic-comedy.
Excitement has been building around the much-anticipated collaboration between actor Suriya and filmmaker Karthik Subbaraj, and the wait has finally delivered a thrilling sneak peek. On Christmas ...
Her breakthrough moment came when visionary director Karthik Subbaraj recognized her untapped potential and cast her in Retro, a film that reimagined Pooja in an entirely new light. Known for his ...
Suriya’s ’Retro,’ directed by Karthik Subbaraj, promising action and romance, will hit the big screen next year. (X) Retro, the upcoming Tamil romantic action film, dropped its teaser on the ...