Varta是一家德国公司,为GTS车型的混合动力系统提供1.9kWh电池。 据悉,2025款911 GTS车型不是一款PHEV插电式混合动力车型,不能仅靠电力进行驱动 ...
代表最前沿发动机技术——搭载Turbo-hybrid的新款保时捷 911 Targa 4 GTS 、极致轻量化的新款 911 Carrera T,以及保时捷911 Turbo 50周年纪念版车型悉数亮相。
新款保时捷911 Targa 4 GTS 搭载3.6T混合动力系统 再来看一下新款保时捷911 Targa 4 GTS,其外观设计方面依旧保持着现款911车型的设计语言,主要针对前脸 ...
本届车展保时捷首次面向亚洲公开亮相新款911 Targa 4 GTS车型,新车在创新的极致性能与激情中融入“Targa”独特美学,充分演绎了其代表的独特生活方式与不凡品位。新款911 Targa 4 GTS搭载的T-Hybrid高性能混合动力系统亦可带来超乎想象的驾驶体验。另外一款值得 ...
凤凰网汽车·2024广州车展 本届车展保时捷首次面向亚洲公开亮相新款911 Targa 4 GTS车型,新车在创新的极致性能与激情中融入“Targa”独特美学 ...
11月15日,第二十二届广州国际汽车展上,新车在创新的极致性能与激情中融入“Targa”独特美学,充分演绎了其代表的独特生活方式与不凡品位。新款911 Targa 4 ...
There’s less direct motorsport trickle-down in the 911 GTS than there was in the original Turbo, but Porsche’s success campaigning endurance race cars like the 919 and the 963 has helped the ...
We have a much better product availability, also a better mix when it comes to the 911. The GTS will start [production] now in the fourth quarter and then we will have a steep ramp-up curve in the ...
The Porsche 911 has had a mid-life refresh and the big news is that the upper-mid-level (there are many levels to the 911 range) Carrera GTS is now a hybrid. You can imagine the reaction when ...