今天打电话联系了在一家东风日产4S店担任售后服务经理的吴老弟,因为我的同学的经典轩逸出了个小事故,在他店里维修,托我找人给关照关照,正好我与这位老弟也有好长时间没有联系了,就想借这个机会小聚一下。 他接到电话后说:我给你找人吧,我已经不在日产店了。
Poster presentations may not seem as prestigious as oral presentations, but they are a great opportunity to interact with other scientists in your field in a reasonably structured way. Just like ...
Like scientific papers, oral presentations at a conference or internal seminar are for sharing your research work with other scientists. They, too, must convince the audience that the research ...
In this module, we’ll be looking at some useful words and phrases for giving presentations. We have units on the main stages of presentations and a unit with tips on delivering effective ...
Presentations, with all the effort that they require, can be stressful. The pressure to effectively convey information, meet ...
Since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic, we’ve all spent a lot more time delivering presentations on Zoom and other online platforms, but many of us are still using the same slide decks they ...
如果你也喜欢不客观实验室,希望和我们一起探讨数码相关的选题,请私信“不客观”,我们将回复您加群的方式,期待与你的见面~作者|陆邮箱|[email protected]自 2007 年乔布斯在发布会上掏出 iPhone ...
Audiences have seen countless bullet-point presentations, making them feel repetitive and uninspired. Using the same format over and over numbs the audience and reduces their interest in your ...