金风科技2月14日披露总额8423.6万元(澳大利亚元)的对外担保,被担保方为Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd。本次担保的担保方式为连带责任担保。 被担保方Goldwind Australia Pty Ltd。
Zhang Xiaogang, the spokesperson, rejected Australia's claims of an "unsafe and unprofessional interaction" with a Chinese ...
澳大利亚联邦银行 Commonwealth Bank Of Australia(ASX:CBA)周三发布的2025财年半年报显示,报告期内公司税后现金净利润(Cash ...
China has made solemn representations to Australia over an Australian military plane's deliberate intrusion into China's ...
为迎接蛇年的到来,The Couch国际学生中心也举办了欢乐的农历新年庆祝活动。成都艺术代表团不仅为墨尔本的国际学生带去了精彩演出,还代表成都市向出席活动的墨尔本市长尼古拉斯·里斯阁下送上了节日祝福与问候。
The Australian government will continue to make its case for a tariff exemption to the United States, despite a top US official saying Australia's aluminium imports are killing the US market. Source: ...