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2400×1920time.com > Many scholars,some legal experts disagree. At a February gathering over Zoom of the American Society of International Law’s Symposium on Reparations Under International Law,Judge Patrick Robinson,a Jamaica-born,London–trained lawyer,member of the International Court of Justice,said there is a sound legal basis for reparations for enslavement: Reparations are due if a crime against humanity has been committed or a country created or allowed a practice,system,or event in which each step violated international laws. Both are arguably met,but certainly the second,by the conduct,outcomes intentionally created by the transatlantic slave trade,almost 400 years of enslavement in the Americas,said Robinson,who oversaw the U.N.’s International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. 2400×1920time.com > Many scholars,some legal experts disagree. At a February gathering over Zoom of the American Society of International Law’s Symposium on Reparations Under International Law,Judge Patrick Robinson,a Jamaica-born,London–trained lawyer,member of the International Court of Justice,said there is a sound legal basis for reparations for enslavement: Reparations are due if a crime against humanity has been committed or a country created or allowed a practice,system,or event in which each step violated international laws. Both are arguably met,but certainly the second,by the conduct,outcomes intentionally created by the transatlantic slave trade,almost 400 years of enslavement in the Americas,said Robinson,who oversaw the U.N.’s International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. 1200×1600time.com > Many scholars,some legal experts disagree. At a February gathering over Zoom of the American Society of International Law’s Symposium on Reparations Under International Law,Judge Patrick Robinson,a Jamaica-born,London–trained lawyer,member of the International Court of Justice,said there is a sound legal basis for reparations for enslavement: Reparations are due if a crime against humanity has been committed or a country created or allowed a practice,system,or event in which each step violated international laws. Both are arguably met,but certainly the second,by the conduct,outcomes intentionally created by the transatlantic slave trade,almost 400 years of enslavement in the Americas,said Robinson,who oversaw the U.N.’s International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.